The Plan

Way back on April 4, I challenged myself to spend 60 days walking at least 10,000 steps per day and spending at least 60 minutes per day engaged in physical exercise of some variety. I have completed 61 days of this challenge. Things started well and I lost approximately 4 pounds during the first 3 weeks of the challenge. I’m not sure what happened (snacks…) but I gained back 2-3 of those pounds (and maybe all 4? I’ve had a hard time getting accurate weigh-ins lately). This means I am still 14-16 pounds above my “ultimate” weight, 9-11 pounds above my “happy” weight, and 4-6 pounds above my “my shorts and bathing suit bottoms fit the way they are supposed to” weight.

During this time I have still been watching what I eat (I never feel free to truly indulge. I haven’t had a single doughnut or delicious pastry, I haven’t imbibed juice or sugary soda, I have had ZERO hamburgers…etc.) but I do eat a lot and I nibble and snack liberally throughout the day… and night. Obviously I am eating more than I realize. Many of these days I walked upwards of 90-120 minutes per day, so I have to be doing something to gain weight. And that something is eating.

I have enjoyed the benefits of increased exercise. I feel like I don’t ever “need” or “deserve” a day off and it is easy for me to fall asleep. My legs are tan and my dog is pleased with our level of activity as well. I’ve always worked out- and for the past 3 years I have worked out 5+ days per week, but it was more often than not a chore that I procrastinated. Walking has been a way for me to be more active without feeling such a tremendous burden.

Still, I cannot bring myself to love the saddlebags on my thighs, the extra girth around my rear, or the scary droop of pudge under my toned arms. So, I have devised a plan. Continue reading